Education IT Consultancy

Efficient IT for schools starts with the building. If you’re an existing school, we’ll take a look around, think about the layout of your classrooms, communal learning spaces (such as libraries and outdoor learning) and admin offices and draw up a checklist of what you need and where. We’ll think about whether walls are strong enough to support screens or whiteboards; we’ll consider whether you need a suite of PCs in one classroom or in many, and how your teachers and pupils move around the school. Then we’ll talk to you about how to bring it all together so that you have a robust system that still provides the utmost in flexibility and connectivity. Through face-to face communication with all your staff and your IT coordinator, we’ll make sure that everyone in the school who needs it has access to the best possible IT infrastructure.

If you’re worried about your back-up, storage and retrieval systems, we’ll find you a solution that is accessible, affordable and safe. And, that’s another thing, we’ll make sure your system is absolutely safe for all your staff and your pupils to use – we know you need a system that ensures confidentiality, Internet safety and system security.

Education IT Consultancy